Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Tuesday February 17, 2015

To get skinny really fast, you need to have a strong desire in getting skinny. Nothing in this world can be achieved without sheer determination and hard work. If you want something so badly, in order to get it, you need to focus and determined to get skinny.

To successfully get skinny, there are 2 tasks that you need to fulfil. The first task is that you need to make a commitment to exercise consistently. Exercise can be in the form of sports such as badminton or football, or slow jog in the park. The second task is that you need to make a commitment to dieting. If you can fulfil the 2 tasks above, you definitely be able to shed those extra fats around your waist. Let us talk more about the 2 tasks in detailed above.

Exercising consistently allows your body to have a higher metabolism rate, which in turn burn fats faster. If you drink lots of water and eat right, you will not need to spend more than 30 minutes of good exercise, 3 times a week. The key here is to stick to your exercise timetable, which is 3 times a week. One way to stick to your exercise timetable is for you to find a buddy and have him or her to exercise with you. With a buddy around, you will be more committed to your exercise schedule. 

Eating right is the most important step in getting skinny. You may think that by not eating, you will become skinny. However, nothing is further from the truth. By skipping meals, you are confusing your body! When you never eat, your body get used to surviving in a starvation mode.

 Then when you start to eat, your body now needs to work harder to burn the food. But at the same time, your body will keep some food and store as fats, so as to prepare for your next starvation. With this kind of confusion, it is no surprise that you cannot get skinny.

What you need to do is very simple. Do not skip meal and eat! Increase the number of meals every day, but have smaller portion of food for each meal. In each meal, make sure that there are vegetables and fruits, so as to help in your digestions.

Sometimes, the reason why you cannot become skinny is that your body has too much toxic. When your body takes in too many impurities such as dirty air and cigarettes smoke, it will protect you by storing them into fats. This is why sometimes you will feel bloated and makes your stomach feel uncomfortable. 

The solution for this is to detoxify your fat cells. Take in more fruits juice such as banana juice, and ginger tea which will help to detoxify your fat cells. 

To get skinny, it all starts from your state of mind. If you are determined enough to lose weight, you can do it as long as you preserver through the plan that you have set. Be committed and stay focus to your goal. When you are determined to do something, you will find solutions to problems, and getting skinny is just another easy problem for you to solve.


Sunday March 15, 2015

Choosing the best web hosting service for your website is essential, as this is a long-term commitment and you need to get the best value for your money. Besides, it is a lot better to make the best decision from the very first time, rather than wasting time switching from one provider to another. The hosting provider has a tremendous impact on your website, and here you will find 15 useful tips that will help you choose the best one:1. Analyze The Customer Support Beforehand

The customer care services offered by the web hosting provider are essential, so make sure to test them beforehand. What if your website goes down? The provider must be there to help you as soon as possible - if the servers are down for an extended period of time, you risk to lose both visitors and money. Before purchasing, make sure to test the support team's knowledge as well by asking simple key questions related to technical aspects of hosting.

1. Check The Downtime

Another factor that should be taken into account when choosing the hosting company is the maximum server downtime, which should not exceed 0.5%. You can use various free trial programs such as Pingdom to monitor the up time of your hosting provider - if the downtime is unacceptable, then switch to another web host. When it comes to websites, visitors, and sales, there is no room for compromise!

2. Be Skeptic With The Reviews

Keep in mind that many reviews available on the Internet are paid reviews, meaning that they are written by customers that have been paid to offer positive feedback. This does not mean you should not trust them or that they are all biased - it only means that you should be a bit skeptical and you should not believe everything you read.

3. Opt For Versatile Hosting Services

Choosing a small hosting company is worthless if you want to grow your website in the long run, as they may not be able to offer all the hosting services you need. This is why it is important to choose a solid hosting company that is expandable enough to support your future plans in terms of website or business expansion.

4. Go For Hosting Services That Offer Long Trial Periods

Generally speaking, a 14-day trial period is worthless - nobody can figure out the potential of a hosting company within 14 days! Make sure that the trial period is of at least 30 days, meaning that your hosting provider will give you a full refund after 30 days of signing up if you are not satisfied with the services.

5. Make Sure Your Hosting Provider Updates The Software And Applications Consistently

When it comes to hosting services, there is nothing more unprofessional than a hosting company which simply forgets to update its software and web applications, so make sure your web host uses the latest versions available. After all, if they are unable to update their own applications, how could they possibly take care of your needs?

6. Opt For A Third Party Domain Registrar

This is one of the most important pieces of advice you can get: register your domain name on a third party, as this will allow you to switch your web host whenever you want and with no hassles.

7. Do Not Fall For The Illusion Of Unlimited Hosting

This is a far-fetched claim and you should understand that there is no such thing as truly “unlimited” hosting, especially if it has a ridiculously low price tag. There are companies with powerful servers that should not encounter shortage of hosting capacity - that is true, but this does not mean the hosting is unlimited.

8. Carefully Read The Small Print And Understand The Policy

Another important tip is to always read the small print and so understand the refund policy of your web provider. Are there any circumstances under which you may not receive your money back? Is there a trial period - if yes, how long is it? By reading and understanding these seemingly irrelevant details, you can actually prevent unpleasant situations in the future.

9. Check The Backup Services

I can tell you from personal experiences in the past that backup services are absolutely essential, especially if your website deals with valuable data. Does the hosting provider also offer backup services? If so, then you should carefully read the backup policy to see whether the services are truly reliable and worthy of your time and money. Also, make sure to ask your provider a series of vital questions before making the payment, such as how often they backup their servers or how many incoming lines the data center has.

10. Jot Down The Features And Functions You Want From Your Web Hosting Service

Web hosting is a complex service and it comes with a plethora of features - you must identify the most relevant ones for your website and your business, and see whether a particular provider is able to offer them. A popular CMS, a private SSL, or a dedicated IP are three of the most commonly requested features, so make sure to keep them in mind!

11. Choose Short-Term Contracts

If you have recently changed your hosting provider, then do not choose a long-term contract - instead of doing that, opt for a short-term one to see whether the provider can truly rise to your expectations. Having said that, choose hosting services for 12 months and if you are satisfied with the quality of the services, you can extent the contract to 24 or 36 months. Do not choose subscriptions longer than 12 months at first and never fall for promises and low prices. Just because there is a discount for buying a longer subscription doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea!

12. Check To See Whether Your Web Host Has Black Holed IP

Some providers have what is known as a "Black Holed IP", and you can check to see whether your provider comes with such an IP by simply using the Spamhaus Block List, a handy tool that analyzes the IP address and gives you detailed information about it.

13. Have a Pay pal Account To Pay For The Hosting Services

This is an easy way to prevent the provider from charging you for the hosting services after you have canceled your account. Occasionally, the web host's automated software continues to charge your account even after you terminate your collaboration - to avoid that, it is better to pay with your Pay pal account and simply cancel the subscription via Pay pal.

14. Keep An Eye On The Price

Do not fall for cheap prices, as the chances are that the hosting company hides something. On the other hand, a ridiculously expensive price tag does not necessarily guarantee top-notch services either. If a web hosting company offers services that seem too good to be true, then they most likely are. Opt for medium prices between $3 and $8 per month. That should keep you out of trouble!


In conclusion, there are many web hosting service providers on the Internet, and not all of them are suitable for your website. This is why it is recommended to read the terms of service and user reviews and testimonials, as well as to carefully analyze their products and services. The more in-depth the research, the better it will be for your website and for your pocket.


Thursday  December 25,2014

One of the best ways to save yourself money is by comparison shopping. As a young single person, you probably haven’t reached your maximum earning potential in your career which makes it especially important that you know how to save money. Read on for some tips on how to comparison shop for the things you need as a young single person.
Credit cards 
Credit cards are a great way to make purchases without having the cash upfront. Credit cards are also an integral part of building a favorable credit report and, in turn, getting a good credit score. But just because you get a credit card offer in the mail doesn’t mean that you should go ahead and sign the contract. Instead, compare other offers and see which credit card companies offer the most competitive interest rates and annual percentage rates (APRs). You should also look into credit card companies that offer rewards for using your account. Many companies offer special deals with airline companies and retailers for spending money on your credit card. Sometimes these rewards can help save you money on the things you already buy. When comparison shopping for credit cards, make sure that what you receive in rewards is not lost with high interest rates.
One of the first major purchases you make when you graduate from college may be a car. Comparison shopping among makes and models of cars, prices and also financing options is important. You will need to decide between a new or used car. And, if you decide to go with a new model, you will then need to decide whether to buy or lease it. Only you can decide what is right for you. Generally, leasing a car allows you to make a lower down payment and have a lower monthly payment, but you may have to mind mileage restrictions and keep the factory settings on the car. Buying a car, on the other hand, may require different financing options, but you will be able to use the car as you wish for as long as you like.
Mortgages Just like credit cards, your mortgage is a critical part of your credit report. Comparison shopping can not only help you find the best deals on your mortgage, but can also help educate you on mortgage products. For instance, you should know the difference between a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), and when it is most advisable to get each. Also, when you are comparison shopping for mortgages, pay close attention to the fine print in advertisements. Some mortgage lenders will offer teaser rates or interest-only mortgages, which can make it seem as though you can afford a more expensive home than really fits into your budget.
Use comparison shopping as a helpful tool for making big financial decisions as you start down the road of financial independence.


Thursday January 8, 2015 

One of the best ways to eliminate your mortgage debt is moving into a 15-year fixed-rate loan. With the average spread a full 1% compared to its 30-year counterpart, a 15-year mortgage can provide an increased rate of acceleration in paying off the biggest obligation of your life.

Can you pull it off?...

In most cases, you’re going to need strong income for an approval. How much income? The old 2:1 rule applies. Switching from a 30-year mortgage to a 15-year fixed-rate loan means you’ll pay down the loan in half the amount of time, but it effectively doubles up your payment for each month of the 180-month term.
 Your income must support all the carrying costs associated with your home including the principal and interest payment, taxes, insurance, (private mortgage insurance, only if applicable) and any other associated carrying cost.
 In addition, your income will also need to support all the other consumer obligations you might have as well including cars, boats, installment loans, personal loans and any other credit obligations that contain a monthly payment.
The attractiveness of a 15-year mortgage in today’s interest rate environment has mass appeal. The 1% spread in interest rate between the 30-year mortgage and a 15-year mortgage is absolutely real and for many, the thought of being mortgage-free can be very tempting.
 Consider today’s average 30-year mortgage rate of around 4% on a loan of $400,000—that’s $287,487 in interest paid over 360 months. Comparing that to a 15-year mortgage over 180 months, you’ll pay a mere $97,218 in interest. That’s a shattering savings of $190,268 in interest, but there’s a catch...
Here’s how it breaks down. The 30-year mortgage in our case study pencils out to a $1,909 monthly payment covering principal and interest. Weigh that against the 15-year version of that loan, which comes to $2,762 a month in principal and interest, totaling $853 more per month, but going to principal.
 This is why the income piece makes or breaks the 15-year deal. Independent of your other carrying costs and other credit obligations, you’ll need to be able to show an income of $4,242 a month to offset just a principled interest payment on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.
 Alternatively, to offset the principled interest payment on the 15-year mortgage, you would need an income of $6,137 per month, essentially $1,895 per month more in income, just to be able to pay off your debt faster. As you can see, income is a large driver of debt reduction potential.


Friday September 20,2013

Having some knowledge of how to calculate finance charges is always a good thing. Most lenders, as you know, will do this for you, but it can helpful to be able to check the math yourself. It is important, however, to understand that what is presented here is a basic procedure for calculating finance charges and your lender may be using a more complicated method. There may also be other issues attached with your loan which may affect the charges.

The first thing to understand is that there are two basic parts to a loan. The first issue is called the principal. This is the amount of money that is borrowed. The lender wants to make a profit for his services (lending you the money) and this is called interest. There are many types of interest from simple to variable. This article will examine simple interest calculations.

In simple interest deals, the amount of the interest (expressed as a percentage) does not change over the life of the loan. This is often called flat rate or fixed interest.

The simple interest formula is as follows:

Interest = Principal × Rate × Time

Interest is the total amount of interest paid.

Principal is the amount lent or borrowed.

Rate is the percentage of the principal charged as interest each year.

To do your math, the rate must be expressed as a decimal, so percentages must be divided by 100. For example, if the rate is 18%, then use 18/100 or 0.18 in the formula.

Time is the time in years of the loan.

The simple interest formula is often abbreviated:

I = P R T

Simple interest math problems can be used for borrowing or for lending. The same formulas are used in both cases.

When money is borrowed, the total amount to be paid back equals the principal borrowed plus the interest charge.


Sunday March 18,2015

 If you think your cell phone bill is too high, it may not be your carrier's fault. Federal, state and local taxes add 17 percent to the average bill. And for those unlucky enough to live in a high-tax city or state, government levies can amount to one-quarter to one-third of cell phone costs.

Governments favor cell phone taxes because they're largely hidden from view, according to the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit that conducted a thorough study of cell phone taxes nationwide.However, these taxes place a disproportionate burden on the poor, who have increasingly dropped land lines in favor of cell service. Indeed, while state sales taxes are often criticized for hitting the poor hardest.

"Excessive taxes and fees may reduce low-income consumers' access to wireless service at a time when such access is critical to economic success," said Scott Mackey, co-author of the study and a partner at KSE, a strategic communications firm in Washington, D.C.

According to the report, five cities have cell phone taxes that add more than one-quarter to the average consumer's bill. Taxes in Chicago and Baltimore are particularly egregious, according to the study. Baltimore imposes a $4 per-line tax for general revenue purposes, while the Illinois general assembly recently passed legislation to boost its per-line fee for 911 services to $3.90 from $2.50 per month.

It's worth noting that this fee was doubled in 2008 to pay for potential security upgrades to support Chicago's Olympic bid. Although Chicago didn't get the Olympics, the tax was never reduced to previous levels. And now, the state says it's hiking this tax to avoid having to increase property taxes."The use of 911 fees for purposes unrelated to direct expenditures on the 911 system breaks faith with wireless consumers," the study said. Certainly, it seems to shift the tax burden to renters with cell phones, rather than homeowners.

Where are cell phone taxes the highest?  Based on a $100 plan with four lines, residents of Chicago pay the most, with $35.42 of the bill going to pay state, federal and local taxes. Residents of Baltimore pay the second-highest tax levy at $32.05. Those in Omaha are third, with taxes amounting to $27.36, or 27.4 percent of the cost of service. Taxes also account for more than one-quarter of $100 cell bills for residents in New York ($25.80) and Seattle ($25.12).

On a statewide basis, wireless phone taxes are highest in Washington state, which levies a 18.6 percent tax, more than twice the state's sale tax rate of 9.15 percent. Nebraska comes in second, with wireless taxes and fees accounting for 18.48 percent of cell phone bills, which is nearly 11.5 percentage points higher than the state's sales tax rate of 7 percent.

It's worth noting that taxes on wireless service exceed sales tax rates in all but five states: Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana, Idaho and Nevada. With wireless service the only form of connectivity for 56% of low-income Americans, the authors of the study urge state legislators to find alternative methods of raising revenue that are less harmful to the poor.